Saturday, March 9, 2013

Tales of a Not So Tiny Teether

Baker does things in his own time.
Not too slow, not too fast.
Just right.
I thought he was sprouting a tooth on Thanksgiving Day.
I even tweeted this picture
convinced I spied the beginnings of a tiny toofie for Baby Baker.
I wouldn't dare stick my finger in that little shark's mouth again this morning.
You know the adage,
"Shame on you if you fool me once, shame on me if you fool me twice."
I didn't realize he was teething.
I knew he had been more fussy,
but he has just gotten over a wicked case of strep throat.
A true "lap baby," if you will.
That's a nice way of saying my babe is rotten and won't do anything unless he is being held by yours truly.
But, when I rubbed his gums this morning, there was no denying.
At just two days shy of ten months,
Baker Boy is getting a tooth!
I had purchased some teething tablets and they are worth much more than the $9.98 I paid for them.
 They are gold!
He's also been gnawing on frozen squash and cold baby carrots.
A friend suggested rubbing vanilla extract on his gums, and the doctor suggested doing the same with Baby Benadryl.
We are willing to try anything, ANYTHING at this point!
And, I made teething biscuits this morning using a recipe I found on Pinterest.
It calls for ground oats, coconut oil, bananas, and water.
Easy peasy!
I was going to put a link in for nominations for Mother of the Year.
Homemade teething biscuits, a winner for sure!
But then, the only cookie cutters I could find were Halloween.
So, my boy is currently chowing down on pumpkins, ghosts, and witches,
In March.
I politely decline the nomination.
I'm savoring these last pictures of my little's gummy grin.

Yes, this is a Minnie Mouse onesie.
On my son.
Combination of teething and antibiotics.
I'm just thankful his school sent him home in something since there were only two changes of clothes in his diaper bag.
Just like his mama, averaging three wardrobe changes per day.
Major blowout city.
Although let's be very, very clear.
We change clothes for very, very different reasons.
We're currently taking bets on who changes diapers around here.
Mother of the Year, for sure.

1 comment:

  1. congrats on the first little toothers! Love those smiley pics!
