Monday, November 12, 2012

A Very Merry Un-Birthday

Happy Half Birthday, Baker Bell!
We celebrated our little one's six month birthday yesterday.
Honestly, when I picked him up out of his crib Sunday morning, he was a little heavier. His crib was a little smaller. His six month clothes were a little tighter. He held his head a little higher. He talked a little more.
My boy's a growing.
There were candles and songs, laughs and giggles, celebrations and gifts.
It's hard to believe Baker is already six months old.

There are times I feel like he was just born yesterday, and other times I cannot remember life without him.
One thing is for sure, there hasn't been another six months where I have experienced the all-consuming love that has come with being his mommy.
Before Baker was born, I bought those cute little month by month stickers off of Etsy. I had every intention of doing the cute little photo shoots monthly to show how much he changes.
Epic mommy fail.
I captured months one and two. Then month three, we were at the beach, and I'm not really sure what happened with months four and five. And month six, well, I'm already a day behind. So, disregard his attire and focus only on the most precious half-birthday babe.

Happy Day, Baby Boy!
Happy, Happy Day!

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