Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Marvelous Monday

Everyone has his or her own opinions about Mondays.
Yes, is it always difficult returning to work after a wonderful weekend home with my loves.
Yes, the beginning of the week is often one of the most crazed at school.
Yes, it is usually an exhausting day.
Yes, adjectives associated with this day are often synonyms of dreadful.
And yes, Mondays are now one of my favorite days of the week.
Because, although it is difficult going back to work after a coveted weekend, the students and teachers at school are most certainly a little crazy, it is a terribly exhausting day, and more often than not, Mondays are a tad dreadful, but my Mondays now include a little of this action:
Which makes my Monday pretty marvelous.


  1. Oh my! How could that NOT put a smile on anyone's Monday?!!!

  2. He is SUCH a doll! I just want to squeeze him!!

  3. Isn't he a doll baby!?! Baker loves watching this video over and over and over. Me too.
