Sunday, July 22, 2012

Welcome to the Club!

Our family has been welcomed with open arms into the most incredible club! We have gained access and been granted VIP status. The only admission requirement was welcoming our most precious little angel into this world, and the benefits are lifelong friends along for this amazing journey.

Parents of other children with Down Syndrome, who are now some of my closest friends, have called, emailed, and visited eager to share resources, words of encouragement, and their miraculous success stories. We've shared ice cream and tears, laughter and prayers, celebrations and truth.

One of my favorite verses a dear friend shared is found in the ninth chapter of John, "As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, 'Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents that he was born blind?' 'Neither this man nor his parents sinned,' said Jesus, 'but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.'" (emphasis added)

Andrea, Meredith, Denise, Deana, and Betsy, you have made the past ten weeks especially joyous! I am forever indebted to you. You have a servant's heart and willing spirit. You are great friends and wonderful mothers. I am so thankful for each of you!

From your newest and proudest members, we are so grateful to have been welcomed with open arms into this fabulous club!