Saturday, August 23, 2014

first days of school

My littlest love started his second year of school on Monday.
Baker was over the moon!
We spent the week prior grocery and school supply shopping,
 laying out his outfit, packing his backpack, and labeling all the things.
There is no mom who loves back to school like a teacher mom!
He couldn't wait to see his friends and teachers.
We are looking forward to another wonderful year!
Baker Boy,
This week you started your second year of preschool. I hung back as you walked in, hugged on, and high fived all of your friends - old and new. I watched you wash your hands and then hang your backpack in your cubby, as is the routine. Then, you walked to each of your classmates and greeted them, settling in to your new classroom with ease.  
You have been so excited about your return to school. Each night before bed, we read "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you See?" - a personalized version with each of your classmates' pictures. We called them by name and talked about how excited we were to see each of them again. These classmates are friends, of course; but you love them like family. They help you up when you fall, and encourage you when something is difficult. Together, you laugh and play and learn. You're their Baker Boy, and they are your very best friends.
You love school. And it warms my heart dearly how much your school loves you. The walls of your school provide structure and security, warmth and encouragement, and a lot of love.
You are becoming more independent. This is a bittersweet stage for me. I love watching you do things at your own pace, and in your own way. You need me a little less, and some days, that's tough for your ole mom. You'd rather walk than have your mommy carry you, and you much prefer to sit beside me than snuggled in my lap. And my heart broke into a million teensy pieces never to be put together again a little when you wanted to walk into school with your backpack and lunchbox and without me holding your hand. But more than anything, my heart is so happy at the little boy you are becoming.
Today and always, I am so very proud of you.
Baker Boy, this school year is yours. 
Yours to learn from and grow in.  
Yours to love.
Yours to thrive.

With all my heart,

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